Haha, thanks Alan and Jon, I had a lot of fun with that one. The vocal harmonies came from Matt and Graham who both work for the Nottingham Music Service and are great singers.
Let's take a short break everyone, I thought it would be nice to share this with you all - as part of our concert on Friday we created this staff choir version of At The Hop, and JJ and Neil C both contributed towards the backing track, so a big thank you to both of you and here's the Nottingham Academy/Belvoir Big Band collaboration of AT THE HOP STAFF SONG - YouTube
Goodnight 😃😃🍷🍷
Night all.
As usual, thanks JB and everyone. 'See' you all next week
Night all
Cheers and goodnight
Thanks Jonathan. Goodnighr all
And to finish the evening in your own time The Savoy Jazz Orchestra play the 'Theme From Peter Gunn' - YouTube
Have a great week everyone and stay safe, thanks for joining us tonight and see you again next time, bye from all of us in Notts :)
Not sure when you joined us Neil, did you see my 'thank you' above for your help with At The Hop? :)
Let's do this one for Derek Perfidia | BBB VR - YouTube at 8.22
What’s next boss?
Hi David, yeah a lot! I did it a while ago on my ukulele channel for uke and bass in G then beefed it up for the staff choir video.
Well done Jonathan. I can imagine that lot of work went into that
Next please I 've got you under my skin - YouTube at 8.15
Haha, thanks Alan and Jon, I had a lot of fun with that one. The vocal harmonies came from Matt and Graham who both work for the Nottingham Music Service and are great singers.
Key of G, nice production 😎
Let's take a short break everyone, I thought it would be nice to share this with you all - as part of our concert on Friday we created this staff choir version of At The Hop, and JJ and Neil C both contributed towards the backing track, so a big thank you to both of you and here's the Nottingham Academy/Belvoir Big Band collaboration of AT THE HOP STAFF SONG - YouTube
Ooh Paperchase, you are there, didn't think you were with us tonight :)
Sorry, we forgot to tell you , Y had her second jab last week
Update. 19 of 26 now vaccinated